API usage
Bytebard offers some endpoints for API access. Before you start using it, you would need an API key.
While creating an API key is optional, you will not be able to use API endpoints without it. See or generate it in Settings page of your account.
Use the API key to send it in request header as x-api-key: your-key
. In addition, you must send site identifier as URL parameter, like ?site=32a75776bb4ae45be4e8f88a
. You can see your site identifier next to your API key in settings.
The API endpoints do not perform an automated reindex after updates. You must call reindex API specifically to drop indexes and cache.
Example of request
POST /api/blog?action=some-action
Host: bytebard.co
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: your-key
"some": "data"
While it is recommended to use HTTP methods as described below, there is no strict validation on that.
GET /api/blog?action=list-posts
Returns list of all posts in the blog. You can use limit
parameter and page
parameter to paginate results. For example, ?action=list-posts&limits=10&page=2
will return 10 posts starting from 11th post.
GET /api/blog?action=list-files
Returns list of all images in the blog for a specified folder
. You can use limit
parameter to set maximum number of files returned. This API returns nextFile
which can be used as URL parameter to paginate through results. For example, ?action=list-files&folder=images&limit=10&nextFile=images/my-blog-post.jpg
will return 10 images starting from 11th image, which is my-blog-post.jpg.
Two folders are allowed to use: images
and users
. images
folder is used for blog images, while users
folder is used for user avatars.
POST /api/upload
Uploads an image to a specified folder
. Send the image file in request body (not multipart). Preferable WebP format, however JPEG is also accepted. Please optimize and resize images before uploading as upload size is limited.
const fileContent = toBlob(inputElement.file.arrayBuffer());
await fetch("/api/upload?folder=images", {
method: "POST", body: fileContent
GET /api/blog?action=get-post&id=64a7137vbb4ae55be4e8f88a
Returns a single post with id 64a7137vbb4ae55be4e8f88a
Alternatively, you can specify slug like /api/blog?action=get-post&slug=my-post.
POST /api/blog?action=create-post
Creates a post. Send the post object in request body. This API will respond with status of creation, ID of new post and URL. Some fields have special behavior:
Field | Description |
slug | URL slug of the post. Must be unique. |
author | Author number in site settings. Can be 0 (first) or any integer. If passed, author_name and author_picture will be used from list |
autopost | You can disable autopost by passing false to this field |
"slug": "my-blog-post",
"title": "My blog post",
"content": "This is my blog post",
"description": "Description of my blog post",
"keywords": "blog, post",
"image": "my-blog-post.jpg",
"image_credit": "Pic taken from google.com",
"category": ["category", "child-category"],
"date": "2/30/2025",
"author_name": "John Doe",
"status": "draft",
"author_picture": "john-doe.jpg"
POST /api/blog?action=update-post
Updates a post. Send the post object in request body. Body should contain id
of the post, like:
"id": "64a7137vbb4ae55be4e8f88a",
"slug": "my-new-post-title",
"title": "My new post title",
POST /api/blog?action=import-posts
Imports posts in bulk. Only creates posts, no other functionality is enabled for this endpoint. Limited to 100 posts per request. Returns inserted as a number of posts inserted.
"posts": [{
"slug": "my-blog-post",
}, {
"slug": "my-second-blog-post",
DELETE /api/blog?action=remove-post&id=64a7137vbb4ae55be4e8f88a
Removes a post with id 64a7137vbb4ae55be4e8f88a
DELETE /api/blog?action=remove-file&folder=images&name=my-blog-post.jpg
Removes an image by path images/my-blog-post.jpg
POST /api/blog?action=reindex
Performs reindex for all posts in the blog. Revalidates cache, build sitemap and RSS feed. Body is optional, but can be used to specify additional parameters.
Field | Description |
urls | Array of URLs to drop cache for. If passed, only these URLs will be impacted; otherwise, entire site cache will be dropped |
"urls": [