Import & Export

You can migrate articles from another blogging platform by importing a single file in Admin.

In order to import your posts, you have to transform them into format that Bytebard understands - JSON. Below an example of such post:

    "posts": [{
        "slug": "my-blog-post",
        "title": "My blog post",
        "description": "Description of my blog post",
        "content": "This is my blog post\n\nIt has multiple paragraphs\n\n## This is a heading\n\nThis is a paragraph after heading",
        "date": "02/16/2022"
    }, {
        "slug": "my-second-blog-post",

Following fields are available to set:

Field Description Example
slug Unique identifier of the post. It will be used in URL, cannot have punctuatuion or spaces. my-blog-post
title Title of the post. My blog post
description Short description of the post. Try to be within 400 characters
content Content of the post. Does not support HTML. Lines are split with \n symbol. This is my blog post\n\nIt has multiple paragraphs\n\n## This is a heading\n\nThis is a paragraph after heading
date Date of the post. 02/16/2022
image Image of the post. Make sure to have image uploaded separately. my-blog-post.jpg
author_name Name of the author. John Doe
author_picture Picture of the author. Make sure to have picture uploaded separately. john-doe.jpg

Keep in mind that we only support up to 10MB of data in a single file. If you have more posts, you can split them into multiple files.