WordPress vs Bytebard

WordPress is known for it's wide adoption and community that builds templates and plugins. In this article we will look at all the advantages and shortcomings of WordPress comparing to Bytebard. Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting your online writing journey, we hope that this article will help you make an educated decision.

Hosting speed

Bytebard has a fast, optimized hosting, which ensures that your blog loads quickly and provides an excellent user experience. Faster loading times can lead to higher user engagement and better SEO rankings.
There are few important aspects to make sure your site is delivered quick - small overhead of code, optimized images, cache on distributed CDN and cache in browser (via PWA). All these techniques work in tandem for your benefit.

While Wordpress promises a fast hosting, the feedback from users is mixed. Blog may experience slower hosting speeds, especially during peak usage times. This can result in longer loading times for visitors, and their frustration with the site. You have an option to pay for higher tier or migrate to your own hosting, but that will cost you extra money, time and skills to set up.

SEO Features

Bytebard comes with built-in SEO features out of the box. These features are enabled and working, enabling bloggers to focus just on the content.

While basic SEO options are available on free WordPress blogs, users often need to install additional plugins and configure settings themselves. This can be more complex and time-consuming, - besides, there are limits to what plugins can do and use of them will require you to look after site's performance.

Custom Domains

Bytebard does not sell custom domains, however it allows you to use existing one absolutely free of charge. In addition you have subdomain (e.g. example.bytebard.cc) out of the box for free.

WordPress allows users to have a subdomain (e.g., yourblog.wordpress.com) and in higher tier includes a domain.

Google Analytics

Bytebard includes Google Tag Manager integration, allowing bloggers to easily track their website's performance, audience demographics, and user behavior. All you need is your GTM ID. Plus, you are able to configure any other pixels in your Google Tag Manager setup.

Google Analytics integration on WordPress blogs will require additional steps or the installation of third-party plugins.

Plugin Installation

Bytebard offers a simplified and curated experience by providing essential features without the need for extensive plugin installations. This can streamline the blogging process and reduce potential compatibility issues.

WordPress allows users to install (free or paid) plugins, although free blogs on wordpress.com have limitations on which plugins can be used - unlike on your hosting where you can install more. Additionally, managing plugins can be more complex for beginners.

Get started with bytebard today

Ready to supercharge your blogging journey? With Bytebard, you'll enjoy lightning-fast hosting, a free custom domain, built-in SEO tools, Google Analytics integration, all in one place. Sign up today!